This clip picks up where we left lucy at the end of part 1 - struggling to free herself from the ropes holding her in the captain's chair. ever inventive, lucy somehow pulls off one of her ankle boots. This allows her to extricate herself from the rope holding her ankle to the chair leg. Not at all what we had in mind. Her ankle is swiftly re-roped but while we are doing that she is loosening the ropes around her breasts and her right wrist. we decide that more drastic action is required and the duct tape comes out. Her right wrist is taped to the chair arm and the fingers of the left hand are taped together as a precaution against tampering with the knots on her chest ropes! we're in a mean mood so further wrappings of tape go over the tape already over her mouth and over the fingers of her right hand! We're fairly confident we have her trapped this time, but we've been wrong before!